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Orange Julep

open now, until 02:00

Orange Julep The restaurant was started by Hermas Gibeau in 1932 to serve his trademark orange drink, Gibeau Orange Julep, similar but not identical to that of Orange Julius. In 1945, Gibeau built an orange concrete sphere two storeys high to house his restaurant. It is believed Gibeau intended to live in there with his wife and children. The restaurant and its orange sphere were rebuilt larger and further back from the roadway when it was widened as the Décarie Expressway in 1966. Read more

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Orange Julep Social Media Popularity Score:
5.3 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in April:
Orange Julep has a total of 307 visitors (checkins) and 692 likes.